Sunday, September 30, 2007

And here she is...... PURE TROUBLE!!!

The other day as I was trying to get ready to head out, little miss Avery kept getting into my makeup. So I put it up out of reach and then went to change Weston. As I was changing him I realized it was just a little TOOOO quiet. I hurried and finished up so I could find Avery, but she was nowhere to be found. I was calling her name and finally I heard a little voice coming from out in the garage. I opened the door and there she was with my mascara in hand and beautiful eyebrows. After a little scolding and a lot of laughing I had to take some pictures. Boy, LIFE sure would be boring without my Avery.


Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Oh for heaven sakes...that little Avery is a firecracker! You look gorgeous darling ~ simply gorgeous!

Nana said...

That's my little princess!!!! If anything Kim she will keep you young and active! What a little doll!

Carley said...

What a cutie! Did you know Angie has a blog now too. It is

Bethany said...

Too cute. I wish I could look that cute when I flub up my makeup.