Monday, September 29, 2008

Yikes and Gross

I am not sure if these are Hornets or Wasps but gross. These little fellows made a nest in the metal plate on our railing by the front door. But no worries we bought Hornet/Wasp spray and they are now gone. It was so freaky when we looked out the window and saw the little gathering!


Meredith Haag said...

Those little devils seem to follow us where ever we live! And yet...I have never been stung! It's like they won't be satisfied until I am.

Life as a Kenessey said...

That looks like the makings of a scary movie....called BEES or something like that....I'm glad there were no fatalities!! YUCK!!

jksfam said...

We had some of those, too. Jim didn't realize it and they came out and one got Matt on the ear.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Ewwwww I loathe those little buggers!