Wednesday, November 7, 2007

That darn halloween candy!

Well 2 nights ago I was putting Emerson to bed. We were reading a book when all of a sudden I felt a HUGE sicky glob of something stuck in her hair. I looked and it was some sort of carmel candy. No matter what we tried we could not get it out, so we had to cut it.....5 inches. Poor Emerson was so upset, she has been trying to grow her hair down to her bum for awhile now. She asked me about 10 months ago if she could grow it that long and I said yes as long as you always let me brush it WITH OUT complaining. She is fine now and maybe she will keep it this lenght. I sure like it alot better, but what do I know I am just the MOM.


Irlenborn family said...

Her hair looks great! My kids got way too much candy and it's not even the good stuff! We are getting pretty settled here. When are you coming to visit?? Your family looks great!

Bethany said...

Her hair was and is beautiful.

Rebecca said...

Her hair is still quite long...I an't believe these pictures are from AFTER cutting it!

Post Family said...

I agree--"that darn Halloween candy!" I've been finding wrappers and sucker sticks all over the house. I finally took it all away and only let them have a few pieces a day!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Simply Gorgeous if you ask me!

Rebecca said...

Tag, you're it. Check out my blog.