On Tuesday Weston helped me make playdough and loved squeezing in the food coloring. Well I think he must have saw me put it away.
So yesterday I gave each of the kids bubbles to go in the back yard and play while I took a shower and got dressed. I got out of the shower and was on the phone with my sister when Avery came around the corner. She was covered in food coloring....I was starting to get really made because her nice clothes were just covered. Then I went down stairs and saw Weston and just had to start laughing.

Here is Weston or should I say the HULK and Avery (I wish I got a shot of her in her clothes). I didn't even know what to do at this point.

So I threw them into the tub and scrubbed scrubbed scrubbed them with soap.....it still not coming of that great. So I ran down stairs and grabbed the vinegar ..... it did sting a little.....but hey, it helped a lot

How could you be mad at that little face.
After we got out of the tub the sides of Westons hair was still green..... So I decided it is summer and lets give him a MOWHAWK

So here is our little PUNK....he loves it and says he looks like a dinosaur.

You can kind of see that he still has food coloring on his face so I decided to stick them back in the tub for the 3rd time, when I stuck them back in the tub last night Weston was screaming...No my dinosaur....he was sad that his hair wasn't spiky anymore...so cute.
Yes Weston after 3 baths still has pink hands and arms and legs...at least his face is not to bad anymore. And little miss Avery's face looks like it is flush all the time right now...haha all's I can do is LAUGH