Here is Weston giving his best hit.Grandma Nelson made a pinata for all her grandkids. You Rock Grandma!!!

We took a day trip to Waterton National Park. They have these fun bikes you can rent and ride around the town.....super fun!

Peter and I at Cameron Lake! Still tons of snow in the Mountains.

OH CANADA!!! Weston at the Canada Day parade.

Emerson and Hunter dressed up as pirates and road there bikes in the Canada Day parade. They won second place and got a $15 check each! ARRRRRR

We had a lot of fun at The Ridge boating. Me, Emerson and Haruka on the tube.

We went with Peter's family to Calaway Park and we all left with major sugar buzzes from cotton candy. GOOD TIMES!!

This was so cool! You hook it up to your garden hose and you had 2 water slides, 2 water guns and a wading pool......it was a blast for the kids.

Here is Emerson cruising around with her uncle Chad.

Here is Avery grinning from ear to ear. The kids all went horse back riding and loved it.Weston cried and screamed when we took him off.